Who We Are


Windsor Gospel Assembly is a Christ-centered, Bible believing, Holy Spirit filled gathering of believers determined to reach our local community, and beyond, for Christ.

WGA desires to walk with you as you seek to discover and live out God’s plan for your life.

You can do this in a variety of ways but, ultimately, we want you to feel accepted and loved.

We welcome you, value you, and encourage you to join us in an environment where real people, with real issues, meet a real God who provides real comfort, hope, and healing.

When the world rejects you and tells you that you are unworthy, be reminded that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross to redeem you because (to Him) you are so worth it!

You belong at Windsor Gospel Assembly. There is a place for everyone here.

Join us as we: gather | learn| grow.

What We Feel


Passion changes hearts. 

WGA defines passion in terms of what is felt deeply. This is sometimes referred to as our burden. 

They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” (Nehemiah 1: 3-4). 

Our passion pulls tears from our eyes, moves us to seek God, and drives us into action. 

At Windsor Gospel Assembly, our passion is to see lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit and an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Our deepest desire is to witness families in our community, throughout the nation, and across the world awakened and renewed for the glory of God.

What We See


Our passion moves our vision. 

WGA’s vision is to build a gathering of believers who worship with passion; advance in the knowledge, understanding, and application of the Word; and reaches unbelievers with the truth and salvation offered in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. WGA exists to exalt Christ, equip believers, and expand His kingdom. 

This will be accomplished by:

  • Fostering collective Christ discovery and self-discovery with intergenerational worship and learning;
  • Developing ministries that will help us better tell the story of the Gospel, activate our worship experience, and build our God-given gifts & talents; and
  • Serving needs that exist outside our walls and within the community of non-believers.

What We Do


What the WGA Family commits to “doing” everyday contributes to the fulfillment of the WGA Vision. Desiring to state our mission (what we do) with clarity, much prayer and consideration has been given to the following mission statement:

Windsor Gospel Assembly is a gathering of believers worshiping with passion, growing in Word, and reaching with care. 

Gather the Believers: WGA is more than just a gathering – we are a community. We are a family. WGA seeks daily to find its common unity in doctrine (what we believe) and direction (where we’re going). Community for the WGA also means that we seek intentional unity among all races, genders, generations, and socioeconomic classes.

Worship with Passion: Personal worship is encouraged daily, while corporate worship is experienced daily through media outlets and routinely through scheduled gatherings. Our corporate worship intends to turn barrenness into fruitfulness, sorrow into joy, and pain into victory through “God-centered” worship. This means every message, song, sacrament, and worship method must seek to humble the self and glorify Christ.

Grow in the Word: Growing in the knowledge, understanding, and application of God’s Holy Word requires dedication and diligence. WGA brings the Word to life through doctrinal sermons & storytelling, in-depth Bible studies, passionate testimony, small group studies, and individual discipleship. Growing in the Word not only edifies us as individuals, it also prepares us to reach the nonbeliever with the truth of salvation. 

Reach with Care: The WGA Family impacts the Body of Christ daily through benevolence, hospital & home visits, grief care, counseling, spiritual guidance, prayer, and acts of service for those in need. We impact our community through our acts of kindness & social responsibility, and with dedicated evangelism. 

We exist to equip our believers to expand the Kingdom of God. For we “are not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16)

If we want to witness people awakened and renewed for the glory of God, we must be intentional about going out and becoming a part of the community around us – proclaiming the good news of the Gospel to everyone who can and will hear it.

What We Value


The WGA Family strongly believes that we are disciples of our Savior Jesus Christ.

A disciple is simply a follower of Christ who goes, grows, gathers, and gives.

We Go

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

WGA is committed to embracing our assignment to go into all the world – from across the street to across the sea. This is The Great Commission our Lord assigned to us. Thankfully, as we step out and fulfill this assignment, we go knowing we’re not going alone. God has promised to give us exactly what we need to be effective in living out our assignment.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

At present, WGA donates tangible goods and funds to Windsor’s Downtown Mission and to local food banks and soup kitchens. In addition, we actively engage our local student population through evangelistic programs, fellowship luncheons, and settling-in activities for new students.

We Grow

To be a disciple of Christ is to make a lifetime commitment to “grow up” in Christ. WGA offers growing opportunities for everyone, regardless of where they are in their personal faith journey. The WGA family grows by:

  • Lifting up the Name of the Lord through praise and worship;
  • Interceding through prayer and fasting; 
  • Studying to gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God and its practical application in our lives; and
  • Sustaining spiritual growth through intentional discipleship programs, focus groups, and weekly bible studies.

We Gather

“…Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Jesus modeled the importance of gathering while He ministered on earth. And as our Lord did, WGA is focused on gathering on Four Levels. 

Jesus Gathered the Multitude: The Sunday morning worship experience brings together components necessary to embolden and resource us as individuals to accomplish our vision during the upcoming week. It is where we praise God with a unified voice, are fed from the Word of God, and pray for one another.   

Jesus Gave Attention to the 70 and 120:  At this level, Jesus was in covenant with His closest followers. WGA strives to build relationships that are anchored in our covenant to live, work, and relate as followers of Christ through focus and small groups. 

Jesus Focused on the 12: Jesus cared deeply for his 12 apostles. At WGA, we establish a deeper connection with each other through ministry groups and skills training. 

Jesus Met with 2 or 3: Jesus had a core group of men that He leaned on greatly. Specifically, Scripture tells us that Jesus had an intimate and profound relationship with Peter, James and John. At WGA, this is a level of gathering that allows for confession, accountability, and a safe place when 2 or 3 are gathered with purpose. 

The Windsor Gospel Assembly Family encourages all disciples of Christ to prayerfully evaluate all four of the gathering types in order to promote spiritual growth for themselves and their families.

We Give

“God so loved the world that He gave”… “if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God, who gives to all generously” …  “How much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good” … “Since He Himself gives to all people life”…My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”

Throughout all of Scripture, God sets an example of giving for us. In as much, we are also called to give from ourselves. At Windsor Gospel Assembly, there is an expectation and responsibility for all disciples of Christ to give of their: 

Time: Time is a necessary gift given by each of us in order to offer service in our church, community, and around the world. Service project opportunities are offered through different ministries.

Talents: God gives us talents to steward. We have these special talents and spiritual gifts to find connectivity and purpose both within our WGA Family and the communities in which we live, work, and serve. We strongly desire to offer opportunities for people to give and serve through their special God-given gifts and abilities.

Tithes: The Scripture describes Tithe as a 1/10 or 10%. We encourage the faithful giving of tithes and offerings so that God’s work and purposes, through our vision and mission, can be accomplished. It is the faithful giving of individuals and families that makes what our ministry does possible.

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