What We Do
What the WGA Family commits to “doing” everyday contributes to the fulfillment of the WGA Vision. Desiring to state our mission (what we do) with clarity, much prayer and consideration has been given to the following mission statement:
Windsor Gospel Assembly is a gathering of believers worshiping with passion, growing in Word, and reaching with care.
Gather the Believers: WGA is more than just a gathering – we are a community. We are a family. WGA seeks daily to find its common unity in doctrine (what we believe) and direction (where we’re going). Community for the WGA also means that we seek intentional unity among all races, genders, generations, and socioeconomic classes.
Worship with Passion: Personal worship is encouraged daily, while corporate worship is experienced daily through media outlets and routinely through scheduled gatherings. Our corporate worship intends to turn barrenness into fruitfulness, sorrow into joy, and pain into victory through “God-centered” worship. This means every message, song, sacrament, and worship method must seek to humble the self and glorify Christ.
Grow in the Word: Growing in the knowledge, understanding, and application of God’s Holy Word requires dedication and diligence. WGA brings the Word to life through doctrinal sermons & storytelling, in-depth Bible studies, passionate testimony, small group studies, and individual discipleship. Growing in the Word not only edifies us as individuals, it also prepares us to reach the nonbeliever with the truth of salvation.
Reach with Care: The WGA Family impacts the Body of Christ daily through benevolence, hospital & home visits, grief care, counseling, spiritual guidance, prayer, and acts of service for those in need. We impact our community through our acts of kindness & social responsibility, and with dedicated evangelism.
We exist to equip our believers to expand the Kingdom of God. For we “are not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16)
If we want to witness people awakened and renewed for the glory of God, we must be intentional about going out and becoming a part of the community around us – proclaiming the good news of the Gospel to everyone who can and will hear it.